Saturday, April 6, 2013

Wedding Invitations

There are many decisions that go into planning your wedding to make it YOUR special day.  One of the decisions is the type and style of invitations to use. 

After you have decided on your invitation, you need to decide how it needs to be worded.

There is no one specific way to word or design invitations these days.  Even though the rules of etiquette concerning wording is not quite as strict, there are still certain rules that you may wish to follow.

I have included invitation styles and rules that I hope is of some assistance to you.

Start with the names of those hosting the wedding, traditionally the bride's parents. If the groom's parents are co-hosting the wedding, add them after the bride's parents' names.

Watercolor Invitations

Vintage Lacy Tree Wedding Invitation ...
If the couple is hosting on their own wedding, omit the first line...Together with their families.

Generally speaking, a basic stationery suite includes an invitation, a reply card, and envelopes for both. Any helpful extras like reception cards, directions, itineraries, and maps are considered “add-ons,” and typically cost more.


click to enlarge

The request line indicates whether the guests are being invited to a wedding ceremony or the  reception only. 


Martha Stewart Weddings

Martha Stewart Weddings

Location:  It's traditional not to include street addresses of houses of worship or well-known locations.  Commas are not used at the ends of lines, and the state is always spelled out.  The more contemporary option if you are using a street address, numerals are acceptable but no zip code is needed in the invitation wording. 

The reception line can be on a single invitations if the ceremony and reception are in the same place. If the reception is held elsewhere, a separate card might be helpful. It is no longer considered acceptable to invite some people only to the ceremony. 

Remember that the bride and groom are the stars of the invitation so their names are set off, on separate lines.

Your wedding invitations express to your guests the general tone of the wedding whether it is formal, intimate, fun, grand, or low-key. 

Wedding etiquette can vary from generation to generation, but some etiquette for wedding invitations and bridal shower invitations rarely change.

What style of wedding are you planning?  Have you found the perfect invitation to set the tone for your special day?

Please visit the blog on our website and find out about other aspects of wedding invitations.

1 comment:

  1. A fantastic blog with a lot of useful information. I would love to get updates from you. Keep blogging. All the best.


Thank you for sharing!